Many thanks to all of you who attended the 2015 RI Pride Fest and stopped by our booth for our now famous rainbow ribbon pins and to get information about PFLAG! We had a wonderful turnout and we are so happy that we were able to get the word out about who we are and how we can help families learn to love, appreciate and accept their LGBTQ loved ones for the special gifts in their lives that they are.
This year PFLAG marched for the first time in the Illuminated Night Parade and we had a blast!! One of our generous and brave Board members lent us his pick-up truck, which we decorated with lots of colorful lights and rainbow flags and bunting! It looked awesome! Our group of marchers was joined by a contingent from the Cape Cod PFLAG chapter who drove down just to be in the parade with us. (The only downside of marching in the parade is that we didn't get to see all the other fabulous groups marching!)
We took lots of photos during the day and a few more of our decorated truck and marchers before the parade started. Also added some taken by others: the Official Pride Emblem, photo of the RI State House at night, and a photo taken of our chapter founder Myra Shays with Congressman David Cicilline. So enjoy the slide show on the right with the photos and faces of the 2015 RI Pride Fest and the PFLAG Greater Providence Chapter's booth and marchers in the Illuminated Night Parade! (If you see yourself in the slide show and want a copy of the photo, just email us at [email protected] with a description of the photo and we will email a copy to you.)