Donate / Join / Renew
Our main source of funding for PFLAG Greater Providence comes from general donations and paid memberships from generous people like you. Every penny we receive goes to funding the operation of our non-profit chapter in Rhode Island (other than the $15 per family that goes to support our PFLAG National). We have no physical office location nor any paid staff. Our chapter is run completely by volunteers--moms, dads, allies and members of the LGBTQ community to support, education and advocate for our LGBTQ+ loved ones.
Dues-paying members support the efforts of PFLAG both locally and nationally. Fifteen dollars of a regular (individual or household) membership goes to PFLAG National, which includes a subscription to PFLAGpole, and the balance is used to support the activities of the Greater Providence Chapter, such as puchasing supplies for various Pride and other tabling events, purchasing booklets from PFLAG National, printing our handouts and brochures, and covering other program costs.
Our membership year runs from October 1st through September 30th. Our confidential membership list is never sold, given, lent or otherwise disclosed to any organization or business. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization. Your membership contribution is tax deductible in accordance with IRS regulations.
Please consider joining or making a one-time donation. In either case, we appreciate all donations! We offer two methods of joining or donating from this website:
Click the "Donate" button above to donate/join/renew online via PayPal. Once you are in PayPal, please be sure to indicate in the "Special Instructions" Section whether your donation is for membership, including type (Household/Family - $40, Individual - $30 or Student/Limited Income - $20), a general donation, or both. Please include an email and/or mailing address for contact information as well as any other information you want to provide.
You can also donate, join or renew your membership by mail. Just make a check payable to "PFLAG Greater Providence" in the amount of your membership request (see types above) or donation and mail to us as follows: PFLAG Greater Providence, P. O. Box 41344, Providence, RI 02940. Be sure to include your name, address and email along with the type of membership you are requesting or if you simply want to make a donation.
Dues-paying members support the efforts of PFLAG both locally and nationally. Fifteen dollars of a regular (individual or household) membership goes to PFLAG National, which includes a subscription to PFLAGpole, and the balance is used to support the activities of the Greater Providence Chapter, such as puchasing supplies for various Pride and other tabling events, purchasing booklets from PFLAG National, printing our handouts and brochures, and covering other program costs.
Our membership year runs from October 1st through September 30th. Our confidential membership list is never sold, given, lent or otherwise disclosed to any organization or business. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization. Your membership contribution is tax deductible in accordance with IRS regulations.
Please consider joining or making a one-time donation. In either case, we appreciate all donations! We offer two methods of joining or donating from this website:
Click the "Donate" button above to donate/join/renew online via PayPal. Once you are in PayPal, please be sure to indicate in the "Special Instructions" Section whether your donation is for membership, including type (Household/Family - $40, Individual - $30 or Student/Limited Income - $20), a general donation, or both. Please include an email and/or mailing address for contact information as well as any other information you want to provide.
You can also donate, join or renew your membership by mail. Just make a check payable to "PFLAG Greater Providence" in the amount of your membership request (see types above) or donation and mail to us as follows: PFLAG Greater Providence, P. O. Box 41344, Providence, RI 02940. Be sure to include your name, address and email along with the type of membership you are requesting or if you simply want to make a donation.
Get involved in the work of our Greater Providence PFLAG Chapter by volunteering a few hours of your time. Your commitment can be monthly by helping with our monthly in-person support meetings or less often by volunteering to help out with other activities, such as sharing your story at a speaking engagement, helping out at Pride Fest, or staffing our PFLAG table at other events. The more people we can get involved in handling the many tasks of running a small non-profit chapter like ours, the less the burden will be on any one person, plus we'll all have fun in the process!
If you would like to volunteer your time to help at our meetings or other events, contact Ron Richard, Chapter President either at pflagprovidence@gmail. com or by calling our Helpline at (401) 307-1802.
If you would like to volunteer your time to help at our meetings or other events, contact Ron Richard, Chapter President either at pflagprovidence@gmail. com or by calling our Helpline at (401) 307-1802.