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Support PFLAG Greater Providence by becoming a member or making a tax-deductible donation so we can continue to provide the support, education and advocacy to families in the LGBTQ community. By clicking on the button above, you will be taken to PayPal where you can make your tax-deductible donation either through your PayPal account or with a credit card. Statement in Response to RI Senate Bill S 2501We at PFLAG Greater Providence support and affirm that transgender and nonbinary students, like all students, deserve the chance to join a school sport without fear of discrimination. PFLAG Greater Providence strongly opposes Senate Bill 2501, the so-called "Fairness in Women’s Sports Act." This discriminatory bill is a tranparent effort to divide our community. They stoke fear so we turn against our own neighbors, creating problems where they don't exist so they can avoid tackling the real issues that would help Rhode Island families succeed. The truth is, youth have always been targets for discrimination because they are often too young to vote. Yet youth always rise up – and PFLAGers rise with them! We at PFLAG wholeheartedly support the LGBTQ+ community in fighting against the passage of SB 2501. Let kids play.
Contact Information
P. O. Box 41344 Providence, RI 02940 tel. 401-307-1802 e-mail: [email protected] Chapter President: Ron Richard Our brochure with membership form. |